308 South Pershing St.
Truth or Consequences, NM 87901
(616) 283-1664

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Healing Arts Open Clinic- for the month of February

Starting Thursday February 2nd
The Healing Arts Open Clinic at Studio de La Luz

will offer low cost,hands on care and guidance in learning self health care skills for daily life. The body-mind is
perfectly designed for re-balancing itself and healing when at ease and feeling cared for. Support enhances this natural gift inherent in all living beings.

30 minute sessions will be offered by local therapists. Sessions are intended for relaxation, and
to support the natural vitality available within each person. Sessions will take place according to the schedule on the half-hour. People are invited to remain for a short while in the supportive environment- quietly and meditatively. No oils or lotions will be used, please refrain from using fragrances, and all sessions will be fully clothed, so wear loose clothing to be comfortable.
We will offer table massage, chair massage, massage for hands and feet, Reiki and Polarity, and private instruction in simple yoga, tai chi/qigong and stress reduction breathing and simple meditation. Limit-one treatment/day per person- but several sessions/week would be optimal for building wellness and supporting life style changes.

The clinic is intended as a support to individual and community health and wellness- it is not a substitute for "medical care" or treatment of specific ailments and conditions beyond offering relaxation, caring touch and supporting enhanced body-mind awareness. Individuals under age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Workshop Announcement

The Language of Letting Go

An Alchemical journey to freedom!

Presentation and book signing

By Lisa Eastman

Moses said, ‘If you want to be free, you must stop thinking like slaves.’ Our own self oppression is the chain that binds us, and this work is a way to let that go. I want for you what I have searched my whole life for, for myself.


Tired of feeling stuck in the same old patterns?

Tired of having the same fights with people,

and the same struggle with yourself?

Can’t get out of your own way?

Are you ready for freedom?

Are you ready to let go of the stories that bind you?

The Language of Letting Go book and card deck is a powerful tool to identify and change

the hidden beliefs we hold about ourselves and our world

Join us at Studio de La Luz
308 S. Pershing St. ( corner Broadway and Pershing)
T or C, NM

Sunday 2/5/2012
2- 4pm

Cost is $35 and includes the book and cards

Friday, January 20, 2012

New Moon Women's Shamanic Drumming Circle

New Moon Women's Shamanic Drumming Circle

Sunday January 22nd 5-6:30pm
bring drums, rattles and your desire for peace and healing for self and others

no charge- $5 contribution to support our space is appreciated

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

ZIKR on Thursday nights starting 1/19

From Jehanara Wendy Tremayne

For the coming weeks I will be leading Sufi Zikr and would be delighted if you joined me.

Zikr is a traditional practice of the Sufis that involves the chanting and singing of divine names. You could say that Zikr is the kirtan of the Sufi tradition. The wazifa are intoned in Arabic and often body movements are added to deepen the meaning. Some call Zikr a broom as it's effect is space and a profound sense of inner calm.

It is customary that poetry is read at the end of Zikr when the circle is ensouled and the heart most reachable. Please feel free to bring along something to share.

Thursdays 7-8pm no charge- contributions to the space are welcomed

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

response to the "danger in yoga" article all a buzz

For anyone who has heard of or read the article about how injurious yoga is- this is a perspective to listen to from a very well respected teacher and author.

Leslie Kaminoff comments on the NY Times article "How Yoga Can Wreck Your Body." Read more athttp://www.yogaanatomy.org/.

a must share for health

With radioactive isotopes detected in rainwater in Minnesota and other states, some people are looking into iodine supplements and other ways to protect the long-term health of their families.

While there are a lot of drawbacks to using iodine, there are plenty of foods that naturally protect our bodies from radiation.

Here’s 19 of the best:

  1. Brown rice
  2. Seaweed
  3. Kelp
  4. Miso
  5. Pumpkin
  6. Spirulina
  7. Bee pollen
  8. Wheat grass
  9. Rosemary
  10. Blue-green algae
  11. Beets
  12. Garlic
  13. Ginger
  14. Alfalfa sprouts
  15. Broccoli
  16. Onions
  17. Olive oil
  18. Leafy greens
  19. Apples and other sources of pectin

These foods protect the body from radiation in different ways. For instance, brown rice is high in fiber and phosphorous, which help remove harmful toxins from the body. Sea vegetables contain a polysaccharide that binds to radioactive strontium to help eliminate it from the body, as well as being high in natural iodine. Pectin has also been shown to bind to radioactive residues, and Cysteine (in onions) binds with and deactivates radioactive isotopes. Alfalfa sprouts and greens are high in chlorophyll, which has been shown to help protect against radiation damage, as well.Keep in mind that you should aim for organic and be aware of the sources. For example, fresh sprouted alfalfa sprouts from your windowsill are preferable to those shipped from thousands of miles away (and possibly doused with those isotopes).

For further reading and more suggestions, I recommend this article from Live Well Naturally: Protect Yourself from the Damaging Effects of Radiation and this Facebook list from Heal Thyself with dozens of natural supplements.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

ZIKR begins this Thursday evening

ZIKR- Sufi prayer circle will be led by Jehanara Wendy Tremayne
Starting this Thursday evening from 7-8pm

a path of love, compassion and poetry- all are welcome


Wednesday, January 11, 2012



Carrie has been a yoga student for much of her life
and has a passion for Kundalini Yoga
No formal charge for the class- Donations are welcome - and will go towards flowers and beautification of the studio- join us for a good workout!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Blessings for a New Year filled with Prana ... Joy, Health, Love and Peace

Happy New Year !

We have been preparing ourselves by tapping into the fluid, dynamics of our embryological selves- and strengthening our connection to our natural flexibility- following yogic principles and aligning with the elements in the Ayurvedic tradition, and their expression in our body tissues- through meditation and movement.
What discoveries!
Studio de La Luz offers opportunity to explore self healing, creativity and the body-mind -spirit adventure in the company of others and in a context of support and respect. Feel invited to join the explorations. Classes are beneficial for the first time student and long time practitioner-

This week's schedule

Tuesday 9:30-11 am Yoga
5:15-6:30 pm Yoga

Wednesday 4-5:30 pm Movement Meditations- Restorative Yoga

There are a few spaces left for the Sufi Alchemical 3 day silent retreat
Jan. 6,7, 8 facilitated by Wendy Jehanara Tremayne- if you are interested, contact her
at 917- 991- 3309