308 South Pershing St.
Truth or Consequences, NM 87901
(616) 283-1664

Sunday, November 2, 2014


No Whole Toning Class Friday Nov . 14th
 Maryse is away recording her CD!!!   YEAH!


Our body rhythms are governed by light, and darkness. 
 HA-THA  translates -  sun-moon  
YOGA supports and  strengthens us, largely because it aligns our inherent rhythmic intelligence and  quite profoundly it affirms your true identity, and much stress is resolved when we are less confused by outer "messages" of who we should be and what we should look like, be doing, etc.  We get to "come home".
Yoga is a  challenge of full engagement, 
 in action and in rest. 

Stay kind, absolutely non -violent as you practice, listen and feel
and the rhythms will guide, teach and mend. But practice is the way, every day- get on your mat or rug....begin. BREATHE
Slowly, deeply, you are so perfect as you are ! 

Our rhythms are more easily felt at change of season, now-  as it gets darker &cooler....what is your inclination? ATTUNE.
 Stop a few moments, and breath- and register the changes. 
It just might help your immune system- and guide choices of diet, rest, and adjustments to your routine, authentically. 
 And you might notice what has had life, has lived and  now "dies" as leaves simply fall off, an easy falling, downward.........towards our roots. They are not afraid, or separate from the trunk or limbs, on or off the tree. It really is ONE WHOLE CIRCLE OF LIFE. How liberating this awareness!

BE NOURISHED & Enjoy this Autumn Season!

Whole Toning continues, Fridays at 10am and every other Monday at 7.

and special guest  Bebe La La will perform 
Sunday November 9th at 2pm

Young Women's  YOGA 
Monday's at 4:30 sliding scale

A special full day of Sufi Celebration will happen on 
November 15th at Grapes Gallery.
contact Wendy Tremayne for details and to register

The 4 directions ceremony and women's shamanic drumming circles- dates To Be Announced.