308 South Pershing St.
Truth or Consequences, NM 87901
(616) 283-1664

Monday, August 4, 2014


Such a great season we are enjoying.
Sometimes talking about the weather seems trivial, but nature is a powerful influence on our body-mind and spirit and  many cultiltures base their medicine on cultivating inner and outer harmony with the rhythms of nature and balance of the elements. Nature is our teacher.
 Practices of honoring the elements have  become a root of our centering
 at Studio de la Luz.

Join us  on August 8th at 6pm for a Ceremony of the Four Directions.
We were honored to learn this simple and nourishing practice from Don Patricio last month & encouraged to continue as a community.
We will abide the same guidelines - listed on the side bar.
In times when turmoil and "madness" seem to be dominating behaviors and relations, this practice which brings us to our hearts and humility in peaceful relationship is a treasure and potent medicine for body, mind and spirit - and for building strong community & kinship.