308 South Pershing St.
Truth or Consequences, NM 87901
(616) 283-1664

Sunday, September 22, 2013

the inspiring Northwest- the air

Tree Pose
here you see the strength of roots in order to grow upwards!

and breathing....the aromatic air, cedar, pine, and mist

nurture the lungs as we move into Autumn

Hurricane Ridge- Olympic Peninsula- Washington State

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

new classes and Special Events!


 A new Beginners Yoga Class! - with Kripalu yoga teacher Tuckie Begeley  
THURSDAYS at 11am    $10

Guest teacher for Wednesday 4pm  Meditative Movement : Teina Barrett Wells

Special Event: Tuesday Sept 17th 5:15-7:15
 Corn Wisdom with Dianna "Snow Eagle Seeds Sing" Henry

              Author of Whispering Ancestors: The Wisdom of Corn http://www.wisdomofcorn.com/
A lifelong organic gardener, Dianna began to actually hear plants and seeds. The experience of these profound and instructive messages launched her awareness into the amazing world of Spiritual Gardening. Working with mentor, Cherokee Elder, Carl White Eagle Barnes, thirty years in research, laboratory work, and preservation have culminated in a wealth of seed knowledge. 

suggested donation $7-$15

Continuing Special Event!  

Sound Healing, Toning, Voice and Vibration 
with Maryse Lapierre

Thursday Sept. 12th and Sept .26th 7:15 pm

suggested donation $7 

and don't forget....
Hands on Wellness- Community Bodywork Clinic!
Tuesdays 10-4pm 
30 minute treatments, fully clothed, $12-$24 suggested donation
relaxation is essential  for  good health of body and mind

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Indian Summer- "Earth" element

Greetings everyone- wishing you time and space to enjoy the end of summer, and the abundance that nature is providing in fruits, vegetables
 and fresh, cool air. 

Lets be thankful and attune to our Earth, breathing a bit more deeply and slowly, and remembering the simple "pause" that makes all the difference in the quality of our experiences with ourselves, others and our world. Blessings