308 South Pershing St.
Truth or Consequences, NM 87901
(616) 283-1664

Monday, February 11, 2013

FEBRUARY heart of hearts

Having absolutely no luck downloading- or is it uploading- some great pictures and videos of
dancing and moving at Studio de La Luz..........as we have stepped up activities in 2013!
LOTS MORE MOVEMENT OPTIONS - at no charge, though, all donations welcome and helpful.

Albert Russell shares his personal practice with the Tibetan Five Rites &  slow stretching- MONDAY MORNINGS! 8am-9am

Monday night FREE DANCE - aka Funotion- fun in motion. Great music - impossible not to move.
Inspired by George the wonderful Evanson- king of putting together new music every week.

Tuesday Mornings  SHEN ZENG GONG, practice with Master Li- via video.  Awakening the Soul and Healing Qi Gong.   NO CHARGE

Three Yoga classes/week, from ultra gentle fluid and subtle, to mixed level challenging.

And the Hands on Wellness Clinic continues, celebrating its one year anniversary, over 700 treatments given at affordable cost and unique community environment......... Tuesdays and Fridays 11am-3pm   walk-in basis, suggested donation $12-$24  for 30 minute sessions

Special Concert: Paradiso and Rasmayi
 Didgeridoo and Singing Bowls and Vocals- Sound Healing
February 14th  7:30pm at Lee Belle Johnson - Senior Rec. Center
$25/2   in advance

and ..............ONE BILLION RISING!
dance in the park - Ralph Edwards Park NOON on FEB. 14th
join the movement to end violence against women