308 South Pershing St.
Truth or Consequences, NM 87901
(616) 283-1664

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December - edges

So much of yoga is about edges. Outside touching inside, breath meeting tissues and mind and feelings, our body meeting the ground and letting go of our habitual shaping, or assumed edges. Lets do it with extraordinary kindness and courage, one wave at a time!

blessings for a safe and connected holiday season

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Attuning! November 2013

Studio de La Luz aims to support your health
 in practical and affordable ways

It is Affordable Care... in Action.   What you learn, is YOURS. When you learn skills
for balancing and supporting your amazing  physiology- the orchestra of systems and tissues, chemistry and mind -you are richer and empowered in your Health- and more skilled in healing when something goes off kilter in  your self and others and world.  You know how to rest, how to respond, and in fact- are less likely to "get sick" as your immune system and neurological communication system will be stronger. You will heal faster, and be more inclined to make choices about where you put your energy that are "in your health favor".

Come by, have an affordable bodywork session, and learn skills of movement, sound, and body-mind balancing that make life better. Strengthen your inherent skills of self healing and increase enjoyment of this precious life! 


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Happy 10 year Anniversary Studio de La Luz!

10 years ago Studio de La Luz opened: a space for movement, creativity, healing and
community. Many thanks to the people who have taught classes, held workshops, retreats, offered child birth classes, given massage and bodywork sessions and students. I want to particularly mention the following people who have brought talent and generosity in sharing their skills and knowledge and experience over the years.     

Yoga & Movement  Wendy Jehanara Tremayne, Tuckie Begely, Carrie Bradley, Teina Wells, Myra Romero, Dawn Browning & Shayna Samuels Turner
Free Dance: George Evanson
Tai Chi & Qi Gong: Michele Herling, John Flannery, Carlos Villatoro, Barb Humble, Ann Smiley
Hellinger Constellation groups: Pat Dinkens and Sharon Griffith
Shamanic Journey Circles and Drumming: Sharon Griffith, Teina Wells, Haru  Spruce, Ayo, Joshua Cravens
Belly Dance: Serena Karena, Brenda Faro, Kerry Senn
Sufi Retreat and Zikr: Wendy Jehanara Tremayne
Toning and Sound Healing: Maryse Lapierre
Community Hands on Wellness Clinic: Maritza Finch, Teina Wells, Roger , Shelby Shue

 thank you to Sid Bryan a brilliant and  supportive building owner, and Rebecca Speakes and Joy Arnold for sharing information on the large list serves- email and Dee LightHeart- incredible cheerleader and local mentor - all about perseverance & devotion

I am most thankful to my teachers and supports, Kathy Moss and Endie Jaynes who made it possible to open the doors! George Evanson, Carol Vosburgh, Selina Karena, Ayo, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, Michele Herling, Donald Van Howten, Catherine Rubee Steinberg,  Dorothy Mason and my dream sisters who have been guides in holding space and circles and trusting our bodies wisdom and the creative process.
and last but not least, my feline companions: Iggy, Sallie, Tiny, Momma and Felina- who understand everything about movement and rest and being alive

Saturday, October 12, 2013

OCTOBER cooling, energized, harvesting

BREATHE!  slow, deep and pause inbetween your inhalation and exhalation
enjoy your relationship with life and prana!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

the inspiring Northwest- the air

Tree Pose
here you see the strength of roots in order to grow upwards!

and breathing....the aromatic air, cedar, pine, and mist

nurture the lungs as we move into Autumn

Hurricane Ridge- Olympic Peninsula- Washington State

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

new classes and Special Events!


 A new Beginners Yoga Class! - with Kripalu yoga teacher Tuckie Begeley  
THURSDAYS at 11am    $10

Guest teacher for Wednesday 4pm  Meditative Movement : Teina Barrett Wells

Special Event: Tuesday Sept 17th 5:15-7:15
 Corn Wisdom with Dianna "Snow Eagle Seeds Sing" Henry

              Author of Whispering Ancestors: The Wisdom of Corn http://www.wisdomofcorn.com/
A lifelong organic gardener, Dianna began to actually hear plants and seeds. The experience of these profound and instructive messages launched her awareness into the amazing world of Spiritual Gardening. Working with mentor, Cherokee Elder, Carl White Eagle Barnes, thirty years in research, laboratory work, and preservation have culminated in a wealth of seed knowledge. 

suggested donation $7-$15

Continuing Special Event!  

Sound Healing, Toning, Voice and Vibration 
with Maryse Lapierre

Thursday Sept. 12th and Sept .26th 7:15 pm

suggested donation $7 

and don't forget....
Hands on Wellness- Community Bodywork Clinic!
Tuesdays 10-4pm 
30 minute treatments, fully clothed, $12-$24 suggested donation
relaxation is essential  for  good health of body and mind

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Indian Summer- "Earth" element

Greetings everyone- wishing you time and space to enjoy the end of summer, and the abundance that nature is providing in fruits, vegetables
 and fresh, cool air. 

Lets be thankful and attune to our Earth, breathing a bit more deeply and slowly, and remembering the simple "pause" that makes all the difference in the quality of our experiences with ourselves, others and our world. Blessings

Friday, August 23, 2013

announcements & schedule changes this week


NO CLASSES SATURDAY August 24th, WEDNESDAY August 28th, or THURSDAY August 29th
sorry! teachers away on study and teaching
let it inspire your personal practice :)

no morning hours

SOUNDING-TONING HEALING with Maryse Lapierre will be held Thursday August 29th 7:15pm

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


We welcome with open arms and glee.......Maryse Lapierre
a beautiful vocalist and teacher.

In the spirit of healing, balancing, vitalizing and empowerment- we will open our voices!

Thursday August 15th, 7:15 pm

suggested donation $7

the voice one of our "limbs"- lets set it free! and enjoy the re-union :)
no worries! this is not a performance- and like "ART" we can all do it!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Reminder! Concert this Saturday!

One of Albuquerque's newest and freshest sounding duos, Bébé La La features singer-songwriter, guitarist, violist, Alicia Ultan and singer-accordionist, Maryse Lapierre, who originally hails from Quebec, Canada. Performing original Folk-Americana style songs, French ballads and more, their signature heavenly harmonies, rhythmic lilts and rich melodies have wowed audiences throughout Albuquerque and surrounding areas. Bébé La La has performed at the Outpost Performance Space, Albuquerque Old Town's Americana Festival, the Corrales Harvest Festival, Solid Grounds Coffeehouse, Tortuga Gallery, and many other venues and events.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

JULY Opening with Voice, Movement and Touch

Community "Hands on Wellness"  Clinic 
 will resume Tuesday July 2nd 
Hours 10am-4pm     30 minute treatments, suggested donation $12-$24
Shelby Schue- reflexology, Teina Barrett Wells & Wendy Sager Evanson
integrative bodywork/ blending Eastern and Western modalities 

Bébé La La 

One of Albuquerque's newest and freshest sounding duos, Bébé La La features singer-songwriter, guitarist, violist, Alicia Ultan and singer-accordionist, Maryse Lapierre, who originally hails from Quebec, Canada. Performing original Folk-Americana style songs, French ballads and more, their signature heavenly harmonies, rhythmic lilts and rich melodies have wowed audiences throughout Albuquerque and surrounding areas. Bébé La La has performed at the Outpost Performance Space, Albuquerque Old Town's Americana Festival, the Corrales Harvest Festival, Solid Grounds Coffeehouse, Tortuga Gallery, and many other venues and events. 

suggested donation $8

YOGA & Movement Classes
 Wednesdays 4-5:30 pm  - Restorative Yoga and Body-Mind Centering  
with Wendy Sager Evanson

Saturdays 10-11:15  Kripalu Yoga- moderate level
with Tucky

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


ENJOYING TIME "OFF" aka time "in"

Going with  June- just  the word feels good and easy, but deep. Our physiology shifts alot with the heat- we change, melt, slow and can't force anything. How wonderful.

We are taking a time out - making a few repairs on the old adobe walls- and basically resetting rhythms. So, really it is a time IN.  Working on structures and containers.

Classes and Community Hands on Clinic will resume- around the end of June early July.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Mother's Day- Remembering the Power of Nurturing


we hope you continue your practice, get creative with your time and nourish yourself with family, friends and nature !

THE  MONDAY NIGHT 5:15-7pm   
contact George for info   740-3554      dance KING :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Let Your Heart Shine
A Heart-Opening Yoga Workshop with
Gangarani Keech, RYT-500, and Miranda Roussel

Rich with symbolism and the pivot point for mystics and yogis through the ages, the Heart is truly a golden gift.  In this workshop we will expand awareness of this center with Kundalini yoga, and intuitive and creative practices.  Using movement, breath, and meditation, we will go deeply within to connect with the light and power of the heart, and each emerge with a unique image which will bring form to the mystery.
Sunday, April 21st, 1-3:30 pm, $20
All bodies and levels of experience welcome!
At Studio de la Luz, 308 South Pershing St., T or C, NM
Experience the rhythm and inherent flow of this transformative center.  Please call (575) 343-7404 with questions, to pre-register, or to discuss bartering options for payment.


Let Your Heart Shine
A Heart-Opening Yoga Workshop with
Gangarani Keech, RYT-500, and Miranda Roussel

Rich with symbolism and the pivot point for mystics and yogis through the ages, the Heart is truly a golden gift.  In this workshop we will expand awareness of this center with Kundalini yoga, and intuitive and creative practices.  Using movement, breath, and meditation, we will go deeply within to connect with the light and power of the heart, and each emerge with a unique image which will bring form to the mystery.
Sunday, April 21st, 1-3:30 pm, $20
All bodies and levels of experience welcome!
At Studio de la Luz, 308 South Pershing St., T or C, NM
Experience the rhythm and inherent flow of this transformative center.  Please call (575) 343-7404 with questions, to pre-register, or to discuss bartering options for payment.

Gangarani E. Keech has been instructing yoga in Alaska since 2006.  She holds a master’s degree in counseling.
Miranda Roussel just returned from Australia and has an art degree from the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

May our heart’s garden of awakening bloom with hundreds of flowers.”  -Thich Nhat Hanh