308 South Pershing St.
Truth or Consequences, NM 87901
(616) 283-1664

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

getting close to Happy New Year!
all classes on schedule next week

Come dive in and nourish your natural state of organized, elegant movement,
breathing and strength! Reduce pain & stress. Increase your vitality.

special event

guest speaker Sal Rachele: on "Earth Changes 2012" will:
  • lecture Friday Jan. 7th 7pm-9pm donation $10
  • share information he receives from "The Founders" Sat. Jan.8th 10am-3pm requested donation $40-50
for information and registration, call Janet at 602-828-2817 or Claudia at 603-988-4938
learn more at Sal's website www.salrachele.com

Monday, December 27, 2010

YOGA/moving meditations schedule this week:
Tues.12/28 5:30-7pm and Wed. 12/29 4-5:15pm

There will be no class Thursday morning.

Happy New Year!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Medicinal Arts

medicinal arts

Taking charge, reclaiming connection to our body-mind, and the ability to “self-heal”, through experiencing the fundamental wellness of systems, structure and physiology.

Materializing the dimension of imagination and mind, intention and grace.

The process has you in the center.

Employs movement, focused breathing, meditative mind, touch, vibration, exploration and experiential anatomy.

fluid,creative, intelligent, non-prescriptive,vital, and safe.

You are coached to listen more closely to what you feel and experience, and to find better health through that knowing- because it improves and strengthens your relationship to your innate “wiring” to be well and functioning

This bodywork is not done to you but with you, in the context of ground, space, weight, rhythm, silence, activity and the variety of movement possibilities within, from microscopic to very large. Sessions can be done fully clothed, in a chair, on a massage table or on a mat on the floor.

Our body-mind expresses what we have been, thought, inherited, feared, desired and have accumulated. The work takes place NOW.

And the touch NOW can transform.

Initial session runs 1-2 hours, including intake/assessment and meditation. Cost $70

Ongoing sessions are pro-rated according to frequency and length of sessions, with a sliding scale starting at $40.

Three session package including intake available $150

Friday, December 3, 2010

Happy Birthday

Seven years of meeting, gathering, dancing, sounding, being still and listening to
the power and presence within- for healing and wholeness.
to the dancers, the drummers, the yogis and yoginis, the bellydancers, rock and rollers,
meditators and touch therapists
to the light within and a space to know and feel this light more clearly
October/November THANK YOU for what you offered and created in the space

Faith Harrison for a great two days of NIA

Integrative Intentions Cranial Sacral Comprehensive therapy program

Donald VanHowten and the Life Impressions Institute for another dive into spirit embodied hands on and movement discovery